City Island released to the Google Play store again!

What can you expect? Our development team has been working around the clock to see what we could rescue from the old City Island game for all of you. Based on DeviceID and on some friendcode information for most players we could resolve quite a few things related to game progress. As a result, this has brought us to the following: – we’ll release a new City Island version to the Google Play market as soon as possible, luckily it could be based on a pre-christmas version. Depending on the acceptance procedure, we’ll expect it to be released within 24 hours. – we hope we can use the name City Island again, so you can find the new game easily. We tried to keep the game-play the same as much as possible. – this new City Island game checks on your device what is your DeviceID and connects to the server. Based on that information we try to give you a matching good package of gold and cash to get you started real quick. But for us to be able to do the calculations, you have to use the same device as before! – any payments made in the old game, should result in gold / cash in the new game (with a bonus!) – any gold earned in the old game, should result in gold in the new game as well (again, with a bonus!)

Any issues with your gold and cash values?

We don’t expect it, but if there is anyone who believes that our scripts did not transfer one or more payments from the old game, send us your friendcode at billing @ and we’ll dive into it. Hopefully with this release the impact of everything is oversee-able and we can continue the development of the new City Island: Airport game and the City Island version with two islands soon!

Some new game play added

In this version we have added/changed a few things in the gameplay, to make the game a bit more enjoyable. For example: the island is now bigger (!), which offers room for four more expansions, and with each XP level you will unlock two new buildings instead of one! Also, we have added three new buildings, and we will be adding adding more within a month! Thank you all very much for all your support, ideas, understanding, constructive feedback and more! What a great community we have! With this new published game, we hope everyone is back on track soon and perhaps even has a more beautiful island than before thanks to the many buildings you can build with your gold! The Sparkling Society Team]]>